ok so this was a while back, like very beginning of this semster but i just hadnt put it up yet....it was our ward talent show but they didnt have anyone signing up for it so karli ( my roommate) is on the board and volunteered our apartment to do a dance...so the night before we got together and decided to do Party In the USA by miley cyrus...ya we just basically danced around looking dumb but everyone loved it...and when you see us exiting its us going into the crowd and lots of people got into it and danced with us....just a good fun memory!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
End of Semester Dance Class Showcase
Every semester all the dance classes do a casual performance together kind of to show each other what we've learned! its probably my favorite part of the dance program up here because its all just fun and no pressure! anyway this dance was for my jazz class...i actually choreographed a little part of it...i start at the beginning...i cross over and im the left short girl when starring at the screen...then when the group changes im dead front for the next 8 counts and then the rest im not in.... enjoy
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
For those who dont know i went to the So You Think You Can Dance tour in SLC, Utah this past weeeknd! it was amazing and i got to go free!!! i could not believe how much different it is when you see these dances live. I lost my voice i was screaming so loud, our seats were honestly amazing as you will be able to see in these pics!! i LOVED the whole night...3 hours of gifted, talented performers who just loved doing what they do! lets just say i wish i was them! so jealous!!
we made it!!! 3 hours of driving....i was attempting to jump but ray wasnt very fast with the camera! lol
i couldnt resist buying a shirt, and some tights for dance!! they are like my favorite bottoms to wear
the grand finale!!! it was the best 3 hours ive had in a LONG time!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
My birthday weekend!
I turned 20!! im pretty much grossed out about how old im getting! lol but i had the best birthday! Sadly julianna, perry, the little girls and my dad couldnt make it up to provo for it, they were definitly missed! But chayse, char and my mom came up and we just had a ball! pretty much friday night was just getting to provo for me and then eating dinner with my mom. We all woke up saturday morning, went to kneaders which is basically the best place to get french toast! We then went shooting until we just couldnt shot now more! seriously those guns are the lightest things in the world! lol we went out to lunch then the BYU game! mckell was tired so my mom took her ticket and we all sat up near my grandpa and aunts and uncles! Such a good game and BYU won! I like to think i was their good luck charm! ;) anyway after we just went over to my aunt and uncles for cake and ice cream and then present opening! it was a nonstop day and i loved it!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
My new apartment!
Here are some photos of my new apartment...these are mostly for my mom lol but i honestly LOVE it here, probably my favorite place so far...im thinking about making it permenant! =)

this is my view from my front door...hello boys! ;)
our kitchen...its actually a pretty good size!
w/ 6 girls your need a huge vanity
my new shower curtain i bought lol it was the cheapest! =) (1 of 2 baths)
my color coordinated closet...and yes it still looks like this!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The "Crack"
It actually has another name but i'm just gonna call it that! Its a pretty cool little natural wonder up here in st. george...its literally this tiny crack between two rocks you can walk through and when i say walkthrough i mean your backs against one rock and your stomach against the other...my dad and perry couldnt even fit its so small! If you dont like tight spaces this is not a fun activity to do but it was a super fun FHE thing!
Entering...the little girls wanted to go until it got tighter...then they werent to excited lol
its a tight squeeze!
the exit!
I love this little girl!
St. George is definitely famous for its red rock!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Ballet Tech Class
Ok so we learned this on thursday and performed it today! it was really bad, i felt so bad for our teacher....but i wanted my mom to see this anyway so that is why im posting it! im not in it much...i'm just the little side movements but o well! enjoy and dont laugh to hard! no body was together! lol
Just Like Heaven
This is my collegiate team performing for other dance classes...I wasnt to happy with this performance but i hope you enjoy it! I'm the corner right on the floor at the beginning...then when i come back in im in a group of 4 girls...shortest one...just so you can find me easier!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
We went wakeboarding yesterday for our last saturday in the burg till next semester! i woke up this mornign and i couldnt move but i think im more sore from the wipelash of the tub then actually wakingboard! it was my second time going and i got up right away and actually stayed up for a little bit but i couldnt figure out how to stir it! lol so i would just go where it wanted to take me! lol but i did do the best out of all the girls so im pretty satisfied!
I come home in less then a week, and i can not explain how excited i am!! this semester really has made me realize that my best of friends are family members!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Collegiate Showcase
The first couple pictures are of our little performance we did for the town of Rexburg. It was Relay for Life at the High School, and they asked if we could do one dance performance. Yes that is ply-wood b ut luckily it was wet so i didnt get cut up to bad! lol but it definitly was an experience...the other 3 pics are behind the curtan at my recital...we had two other costumes but sadly no one on my team was able to get pics...i stole these from different people so if they look different, some blurry that would be why.
But over all it was the best two performances ever! I've never felt so comfortable on stage and I just loved every minute of it! Im so thankful Mckell was able to make it so my family has proof that i am improving! lol

But over all it was the best two performances ever! I've never felt so comfortable on stage and I just loved every minute of it! Im so thankful Mckell was able to make it so my family has proof that i am improving! lol

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Some of you know i am the Coordinator over the Talent Board Exploration committee up here at school, and we had our show case this last wed. were i choreographed a little dance routine for all my managers to perform to "you cant stop the beat" from hair spray. It was hard working with people who have never danced before but it was really neat watching them get into it and try so hard to get it down. We performed it last in our little showcase and even though it definitely wasnt the best performance we had the crowd going! here are som after pics kendra took...she is the only one who is always at every performance i have, no matter how big or little!! shes the best!

some flowers my director gave me!

me and my roommates


some flowers my director gave me!

me and my roommates

some of the people who were in the dance!
If your wondering why we're all in different outfits, my "vision" for this dance was people from all different walks of life still all have some beat in them.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Science Exams ALL weekend
Its been a long weekend...i had a anatmony/physiology Bone exam on thursday. I had to memorize about 300 bones and then went into a room and they had bones lying all over and you had to name every little bumb or groove...(yes they all have a name believe it or not) and then say whether it was a R or L bone...and all without a word bank. I was stressing as im sure you can believe but actually it went really well...i feel really confident i did good. But right after that ive been studying for my science foundations test which i was suppose to take saturday but when i started studying i realized i couldnt remember a thing...so ill take it tomorrow. Then Wed. i have another Anat/phys. test but its over the in-class stuff...so this weekend has been all about science and im exhausted!!
But tonight i did get my schedule for fall all planned out. Im actually pretty excited about it for the most part! And i have no science classes...its a miracle! lol but ive been debating whether to do a double major and add psychology into my schooling...its been in my mind alot which is weird cause im not a psychology fan but i decided to take a class next fall and who knows, maybe itll be something i love.
Anyway thats my life...not to exciting...no boys to talk about, no exciting adventures, just a lot of tests!
But tonight i did get my schedule for fall all planned out. Im actually pretty excited about it for the most part! And i have no science classes...its a miracle! lol but ive been debating whether to do a double major and add psychology into my schooling...its been in my mind alot which is weird cause im not a psychology fan but i decided to take a class next fall and who knows, maybe itll be something i love.
Anyway thats my life...not to exciting...no boys to talk about, no exciting adventures, just a lot of tests!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Cow herding
well the best part of my weekend so far was last night. Tyson called me and asked if i wanted to come out and help tag, brand, and give shots to their cows. I dont know why but i find that stuff so interesting so of course i went! Rachel and her mom came too and we all got decked out in cowgirl outfits...lol we wanted to feel official! Anyway what an experience...first the smell, man when they brand those cows the stinch is impossible to desribe but man it is the worst. i almost threw up the first time, but after a few i started getting use to the stinch but it still smell awful! Then tyson taught me how to feel for the two veins in the ear and how you pierce their tag right in between them. So i was the official tagger, and rachel thought it looked easy so she took over the piercing tag thing and i had to grab the head, feel for the veins and show her were to pierce it! I got pretty dirty but it was really fun! but then one little calf got a way at the end so we had to go get it, so we took forever but we finally got all the cows herded again and we caught the little one. It was not happy...then we built a bon fire and roasted some hotdogs! it was so much fun, and tysons family is hilarious...its such a different life style then what im use to.
Anyway i also had my first dance performance on friday...it actually went really well i thought, didnt have to many bad mistakes in there! Then seth and alex asked if i wanted to watch a international film with them so i did, then we went to our friend matts soccer game! pretty full night, o and then we went and saw 17 again...i laughed pretty hard actually. The worst part though is all night i still had my stage makeup cause i had not time to wipe it off so i looked gross the whole night! saturday was more casual, i taught my hairspray dance to the talent people, their catching on faster then i thought, but they still arent getting into their characters like i want them to...i dont know how to get them more into it. And then i got sunburned going to matts other soccer game, then i hit the gym then tyson called! Today will probably be pretty calm but thats ok, i could use some sleep!
Anyway i also had my first dance performance on friday...it actually went really well i thought, didnt have to many bad mistakes in there! Then seth and alex asked if i wanted to watch a international film with them so i did, then we went to our friend matts soccer game! pretty full night, o and then we went and saw 17 again...i laughed pretty hard actually. The worst part though is all night i still had my stage makeup cause i had not time to wipe it off so i looked gross the whole night! saturday was more casual, i taught my hairspray dance to the talent people, their catching on faster then i thought, but they still arent getting into their characters like i want them to...i dont know how to get them more into it. And then i got sunburned going to matts other soccer game, then i hit the gym then tyson called! Today will probably be pretty calm but thats ok, i could use some sleep!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Memorial Weekend (Hiking the "R" mountain)
So we have a list of things to do this weekend and the top one was hike R mountain lol well when we first saw it we were like seriuosly we'll be done in 5 minutes...and then an hour later we were at the top! its really decieving because its like a vary gradual slop so it doesnt look tall but then the last 15 minutes is steep, it took forever! It was fun though, we're in our tank tops cause we were trying to get a tan...dont worry mom I wore sunscreen, and no one else was around so ya! After, we stopped at maverick and got ICEES...totally thought about perry and julianna!! anyway we can no officially say we have hiked the mountain lol

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