Sunday, June 7, 2009

Science Exams ALL weekend

Its been a long weekend...i had a anatmony/physiology Bone exam on thursday. I had to memorize about 300 bones and then went into a room and they had bones lying all over and you had to name every little bumb or groove...(yes they all have a name believe it or not) and then say whether it was a R or L bone...and all without a word bank. I was stressing as im sure you can believe but actually it went really well...i feel really confident i did good. But right after that ive been studying for my science foundations test which i was suppose to take saturday but when i started studying i realized i couldnt remember a ill take it tomorrow. Then Wed. i have another Anat/phys. test but its over the in-class this weekend has been all about science and im exhausted!!
But tonight i did get my schedule for fall all planned out. Im actually pretty excited about it for the most part! And i have no science classes...its a miracle! lol but ive been debating whether to do a double major and add psychology into my schooling...its been in my mind alot which is weird cause im not a psychology fan but i decided to take a class next fall and who knows, maybe itll be something i love.
Anyway thats my life...not to boys to talk about, no exciting adventures, just a lot of tests!

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