Friday, May 30, 2008
I am about to lose it here!! lol ok many people say your gonna have some hard days with your roommates and i know that thats understandable....but what if you had it every day the whole day?? They are eating my food, getting involved in my dating life, constantly talking behind my back and always trying to act like my mother! Ok so im a little up set right now but i have every reason to be, i dont like fake people, and ive been very honest with them and open and called them on a lot of things and they still think im stupid or something cause they dont change anything and wont leave me alone.... cleaning checks were yesterday....i cleaned the whole bathroom, i did the dishes, i swept the floor and mopped it...whatd they do....vacume and pick up all their crap! lol im so time im just gonna do what they do and see how they react when we fail our cleaning checks! lol ugh... then yesterday a kid in my ward was over and i was "jokingly" asking him to tell me stuff that hed heard in the dorm (i was mostly thinking about bobby lol) and i kept teasing him like come on id tell you...and we were laughing having a good time and my roommate was like no he doesnt have to tell you anything...and i was like um ya he does and she was like just drop it shay.. and i was like um no im not gonna drop it and she marched inside and me and my guy friend kinda looked at eachother and then were like see ya....i walked in side and she was writing something on our board but i was to sick of it to see what she wrote...but this morning i saw it and started laughing.... " your name is safe in our house because he is <3!" lol true story, i just had to laugh because we werent even gossiping and its funny how she and chealsea can talk behind my back all the time but i cant joke with my guy friend about telling me stuff hes heard in the dorm.... ya shes so only sees one way... anyway im gonna be late for class again and i havent even finished my homework! lol
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Raya Lynn Myers
Cutest family ever
This is one of my favorites
She is so light!
She looks so little when perry holds her
Eyla bug
So this is my new little niece.... she was born on tuesday around 5:30ish...she was 6 pounds. She has these long long feet that are just super skinny..shes like the complete opposite of eyla when she was born. So cute
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I dont know if i already mentioned but my calling for my ward is an FHE leader over my group. Theres one guy and one girl! When i first got the calling i was like wow they must have nothing else to give me but after last night i realized that this actually can be an important calling and i should start taking it more seriuosly...
anyway so last night me and my husband Devin (the fhe guy leader...were known as the mom and dad lol) decided to do some night we first met outside on the grass near our apartments and i gave a little spiritual thought about the war chapters trying to get everyone in the mood and we sang a hymn that went along with that...then we went to the gardens were we played commando and capture the flag and it was a blast!! Everyone for the most part enjoyed it and kept saying how we needed to do it again! I thought id be really fun to get into it so i went to walgreens and bought some black makeup and stuff and we all painted our faces a little and it was just fun....we all got really into it! anyway here are some pictures of the night!

This girl was so excited! she said that this semesters FHE is so much better then her last...that made me feel successful in a way! lol

this is me and my roomate

this is the most pretty sunset like ever!! lol and then thats my group minus two girls!! my "husbands" the one in the Camo
anyway so last night me and my husband Devin (the fhe guy leader...were known as the mom and dad lol) decided to do some night we first met outside on the grass near our apartments and i gave a little spiritual thought about the war chapters trying to get everyone in the mood and we sang a hymn that went along with that...then we went to the gardens were we played commando and capture the flag and it was a blast!! Everyone for the most part enjoyed it and kept saying how we needed to do it again! I thought id be really fun to get into it so i went to walgreens and bought some black makeup and stuff and we all painted our faces a little and it was just fun....we all got really into it! anyway here are some pictures of the night!
This girl was so excited! she said that this semesters FHE is so much better then her last...that made me feel successful in a way! lol
Saturday, May 10, 2008
This has been a long weekend and its getting longer and longer! lol i have no dates this weekend and ive been doing homework like crazy and im getting really sick of it!! Then i took a nap friday afternoon for a few hours so then i couldnt sleep all night so i called tay tay and then after she went to bed i just stayed up literally all night watching movies untill like 4:30 5ish but then i woke up at 8 for some random reason so ya im like dead right now but i dont wanna sleep cause then ill be up all this night!! im such a loser! i had so much ice cream last night when i didnt sleep! i probably set a record! anyway im super bored if you cant tell! but i probably should go and do more homework...what a completely different weekend then the last...kinda sad... :(
Sunday, May 4, 2008
knowing what to do
This past weekend i hung out with a boy that i fell head over heels for in like 2 seconds... it just felt natural i loved talking to him and just being with him.... then a weird thing happened where i just felt like he wasnt the now i know your probably thinking thats a little fast to be thinking about that stuff but its the truth. Anyway so when he asked if i wanted to be his girl friend i had to tell him no. It was the hardest thing because i kept thinking how could something this good and perfect be so wrong... the Lords trying to move me in a direction and right now im not to sure what or where it is but im just trying to do my best to listen to him. Ive cried really hard today several times but deep down i knew it was what i was supposed to do....
Who ever said life was easy is completely wronge...he was an amazing guy and whatever girl gets him is one lucky little thang :)
Who ever said life was easy is completely wronge...he was an amazing guy and whatever girl gets him is one lucky little thang :)
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