It was hard saying goodbye to my parents last night.. way sad but ive always been very independent so im way excited to be on my own and experience life by myself.
i just got back from my ward... i really like the Bishopric...they seem like really nice spiritual giants and for the most part all the girls in my ward are super friendly...some a little to much... lol but i think im gonna enjoy this ward... and about the boys...most look older like post mission but we have a few freshman and some decent lookin not gonna say anyone really caught my eye but i think theyll be fun to hang out with!
Im officailly all unpacked but it just doesnt feel like home...but ill get use to it! i showered last night... i was really worried id have a horrible one, i hate horrible showers lol but it was actually very nice... but then when i walked out and my roommate was making-out with her boyfriend that was a little awkward LOL
anyway im super content right now eating my spaghetti-o's and having some heading over to kendras tonight for dinner then me and my roommates ( i only have 2 by the beds empty) are heading to the satdium where they all sing hymns every sunday night...sounds kinda cool! so ya! lol
Here are some pics of me getting up here... my little road trip!
but my parents were right ahead of me lol
Then the last two are us waiting for Charlettes fitting then my helping her with her slip lol
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