A guy recently told me that "there just isn't enough interest for me to want to date you." Naturally as a girl i blamed myself instantly for why he felt that way. I thought i wasn't pretty enough, or funny enough, or smart enough, or .....the list goes on for a while haha. I remember waking up the next morning and looking at myself in the mirror not mad at the kid who thought i wasn't enough, because in that moment i believed i wasn't enough. Not just to him but to everyone. In my church calling, at work, at the dance studio, to my family and especially to any decent guy... I just wasn't enough. I guess you could say I had been struggling with lots of things at that moment as we all do in life, and the stress of my jobs and calling and expectations were all piling up, and that one comment was the tip of the ice burg. It sent me into a self-evaluation with myself being the harshest critic. And it ended with the thought "Im just not enough"
As i held back the tears at work, i was fishing for any compliment haha I wanted to feel pretty, and smart, and like i was wanted. So i text my sister-in-law looking for any compliment she was willing to give, but instead of a compliment she sent me a link http://www.themomentswestand.com/2014/03/enough.html and it changed my whole outlook on life. First it humbled me. My small issues where nothing compared to this poor women, but I dont believe she posted it to use as a bragging right, thought she easily could win. Her whole message was about feeling enough, and how others selfishness might make you feel less, but that cant define you or be your measuring stick. We are to remember that to God, we are enough, and that is the only person we should be trying to be enough for. So People think Im not worth dating, or I'm an awful RS President, or I'm learning at work slower then others, or I'm not the perfect daughter....it doesnt matter. In the end I wont be assessed by how others viewed me or treated me. In the end i'll be assessed by my loving Heavenly Father who knows my heart, knows how much i try, and knows my love for Him. At the end of the day, all i should worry about is am I doing enough, becoming enough, and loving enough so that when I get back to heaven and fall into my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ embrace, I will feel enough to them.
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