Some of you know i am the Coordinator over the Talent Board Exploration committee up here at school, and we had our show case this last wed. were i choreographed a little dance routine for all my managers to perform to "you cant stop the beat" from hair spray. It was hard working with people who have never danced before but it was really neat watching them get into it and try so hard to get it down. We performed it last in our little showcase and even though it definitely wasnt the best performance we had the crowd going! here are som after pics kendra took...she is the only one who is always at every performance i have, no matter how big or little!! shes the best!

some flowers my director gave me!

me and my roommates

some of the people who were in the dance!
If your wondering why we're all in different outfits, my "vision" for this dance was people from all different walks of life still all have some beat in them.