well the best part of my weekend so far was last night. Tyson called me and asked if i wanted to come out and help tag, brand, and give shots to their cows. I dont know why but i find that stuff so interesting so of course i went! Rachel and her mom came too and we all got decked out in cowgirl outfits...lol we wanted to feel official! Anyway what an experience...first the smell, man when they brand those cows the stinch is impossible to desribe but man it is the worst. i almost threw up the first time, but after a few i started getting use to the stinch but it still smell awful! Then tyson taught me how to feel for the two veins in the ear and how you pierce their tag right in between them. So i was the official tagger, and rachel thought it looked easy so she took over the piercing tag thing and i had to grab the head, feel for the veins and show her were to pierce it! I got pretty dirty but it was really fun! but then one little calf got a way at the end so we had to go get it, so we took forever but we finally got all the cows herded again and we caught the little one. It was not happy...then we built a bon fire and roasted some hotdogs! it was so much fun, and tysons family is hilarious...its such a different life style then what im use to.
Anyway i also had my first dance performance on friday...it actually went really well i thought, didnt have to many bad mistakes in there! Then seth and alex asked if i wanted to watch a international film with them so i did, then we went to our friend matts soccer game! pretty full night, o and then we went and saw 17 again...i laughed pretty hard actually. The worst part though is all night i still had my stage makeup cause i had not time to wipe it off so i looked gross the whole night! saturday was more casual, i taught my hairspray dance to the talent people, their catching on faster then i thought, but they still arent getting into their characters like i want them to...i dont know how to get them more into it. And then i got sunburned going to matts other soccer game, then i hit the gym then tyson called! Today will probably be pretty calm but thats ok, i could use some sleep!
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Memorial Weekend (Hiking the "R" mountain)
So we have a list of things to do this weekend and the top one was hike R mountain lol well when we first saw it we were like seriuosly we'll be done in 5 minutes...and then an hour later we were at the top! its really decieving because its like a vary gradual slop so it doesnt look tall but then the last 15 minutes is steep, it took forever! It was fun though, we're in our tank tops cause we were trying to get a tan...dont worry mom I wore sunscreen, and no one else was around so ya! After, we stopped at maverick and got ICEES...totally thought about perry and julianna!! anyway we can no officially say we have hiked the mountain lol

Sunday, May 17, 2009
Another weekend
Well i havent written anything cause nothing really has happened! but i did have a fun blind date lol we got stuck mudding and so we just built a bonfire next to the truck till we found people to help us get out! lol the guys were so hilarious about it...good times my dates the one in the button up! He was super nice and we had a good time!

Sunday, May 3, 2009
Well i thought this year would be different but it definitely hasnt... It started on friday when we were at our friends wedding, they were really hyper and kinda acting immature and i just got tired of acting like that. So i kinda just kept to myself and talked to our other friends that were there. Anyway they thought i was upset about this boy that i really liked that i havent heard from which isnt the case but anyway we got home and i went downstairs to do my laundry and then when i came back up i heard them in my room talking behind my back and it hurt! im usually pretty thick skinned when it comes to people not being very nice but this time it really hurt. I've stuck up for them so many times and then for them just to talk so rudely about me i cried lol so the rest of the night i just kept my distance and since then they've whispered alot behind my back and cut me down alot and always have to correct me and Its not very fun especially since they want to room next semester...and honestly i dont want to but im scared to just go to another complex all by myself. I really dont have any close friends that i could room with. But i hate gossip and theyve been really rude to my other roommate and i use to join in but i feel bad now...their getting ruder and poor courtney doesnt deserve that. Shes really different but we all have our quirks so ya...yesterday i told them to be nice and they just got quiet then started facebooking eachother...lol what does a girl do with that...honestly. Its my test right now but i dont know how to handle it lol i just LOVE my life right now....this weeks gonna be a killer with all my exams and papers do and then this drama on top...its just so not needed right now lol
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