Sunday, May 3, 2009


Well i thought this year would be different but it definitely hasnt... It started on friday when we were at our friends wedding, they were really hyper and kinda acting immature and i just got tired of acting like that. So i kinda just kept to myself and talked to our other friends that were there. Anyway they thought i was upset about this boy that i really liked that i havent heard from which isnt the case but anyway we got home and i went downstairs to do my laundry and then when i came back up i heard them in my room talking behind my back and it hurt! im usually pretty thick skinned when it comes to people not being very nice but this time it really hurt. I've stuck up for them so many times and then for them just to talk so rudely about me i cried lol so the rest of the night i just kept my distance and since then they've whispered alot behind my back and cut me down alot and always have to correct me and Its not very fun especially since they want to room next semester...and honestly i dont want to but im scared to just go to another complex all by myself. I really dont have any close friends that i could room with. But i hate gossip and theyve been really rude to my other roommate and i use to join in but i feel bad now...their getting ruder and poor courtney doesnt deserve that. Shes really different but we all have our quirks so ya...yesterday i told them to be nice and they just got quiet then started facebooking what does a girl do with that...honestly. Its my test right now but i dont know how to handle it lol i just LOVE my life right now....this weeks gonna be a killer with all my exams and papers do and then this drama on top...its just so not needed right now lol


Julianna said...

Do you want me to come beat them up?? Just kidding not trying to make light of your crummy situation but just know I would beat someone up for you if you ever needed it. Especially since me and Perry have gotten back into doing your biggest loser video...oh I am so buff :). Hope things get better for you. I do not miss girl roommate drama.

Andrea Vainuku said...

sorry to hear about that shay! That is why I now live alone.. no drama, no one stealing your things, etc. I love it! I'm not sure what your options are, but i would totally recommend living alone. At first it was kinda scary, for maybe a week? But now i'm so used to it and i LOVE coming home after a long day & being able to just relax ALONE. It's also nice because you control who comes in & out of your house! Anyway, again i'm sorry to hear about this :/ it's definatly no fun! Just keep your head up & you'll get through it. Girls are just so mean sometimes :(

Chayse and Charlotte said...

I thought I missed drama...then I remembered that I love hearing your stories...and soon you will love hearing other people's roommate stories...I think it's a right of passages. Unfortunately. Things don't get much easier but you do learn a lot. Mainly patience. I think you'll need it with your future hubby..!!!