Thursday, June 19, 2008


So about two weeks ago i got a new roommate.. Chelsea moved in with Sarah into her room and im so glade we did! I really like first she didnt talk much and so i was like well atleast shes not weird or something but this past week weve been doing random stuff, like a little dance party we put on, and then we played frisbee and soccer last night... and shes hilariuos! Shes such a nice opposite then what i was use to! So ya shes way cool!
Anyway college is going great! im finally up to speed with all my grades... and midterms were last week and i actually have all A's and B's! i was Shocked!! my parents and grandpa were shocked too!! lol i guess im doing better then i thought! I also signed up for the classe im taking in the pretty excited about that schedule too! Im dancing like crazy and my performance is in 1 and 1/2 weeks! next saturday the 28th! its gonna be awesome! i just wish my family would be there...but its ok maybe ill be able to find someone to tape it for them!

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